keranger ransomware removal script

Jun 21, 2016  

KeRanger isn’t the first malware for OS X, but it’s annoying and inconvenient as most ransomware is. I wrote this little script to check for KeRanger and remove it if found on your OS X machine. Read and understand the script before you run it as you should with any code you execute on your system. This comes with no guarantee or warranties — just high-fives. Also on Github. This only works BEFORE the lockout.

# @dustyfresh
# March 2016
if [[ ! -e "/Applications/" || ! -e "/Volumes/Transmission/" ]]; then
    echo "Yay. This machine is not infected."
    echo "Infected -- we are going to need your password so we can remove KeRanger from your system."
    echo "Would you like to proceed with removing malware? (y/n)"
    read answer
    if [[ $answer == "y" ]]; then
        echo "Removing KeRanger....."
        sudo pkill -f 'kernel_service' &>/dev/null
        for f in /Users/Library/kernel_service /Applications/; do
            sudo rm -rf $f
        for f in ~/Library/.kernel_pid ~/Library/.kernel_time ~/Library/.kernel_complete ~/.kernel_service; do
            rm -rf $f
        echo "Removed. We recommend that you reboot. Would you like to reboot now?"
        read reboot_answer
        if [[ $reboot_answer == "y" ]]; then
            sudo reboot
            exit 1
        exit 1